Sunday, January 29, 2006

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

Above is a picture of SuitSat.
The old space suit, now named "SuitSat", is leaving with style and fame. SuitSat is an old space suit who is going to be thrown out of the International Space Station after being fully equipted to be a satellite ("SuitSat" meaning a SUIT SATellite). But don't worry there won't be anyone inside this space suit it will be empty. The space suit will be equipted with three batteries, a radio transmitter, and internal sensors to measure temperature. The suit's temperature controller will be turned off to conserve energy so the suit will be exposed to the Sun's rays with no way to regulate its internal temperature. SuitSat will answer many questions about the manufacturing of our space suits.
If you want to hear SuitSat's radio transmissions just tune into 145.990 MHz FM (the larger the antenna the better, police scanners and hand-talkie ham radios work well also). To find when SuitSat will pass over you go to, they will ask you for your zip code and then tell you when SuitSat will be over your head. Special awards will be given to students who listen to the transmissions, go to site at end of article to find out more.
SuitSat is planned to launch on February 3, 2006.

For more information and the full article click on picture above.


Blogger bella said...

Oh, Elizabeth, this is one of the best blogs. I would normally ask you to post a wider variety of news events, but your love is showing through. Grade A

I'm sorry about not seeing your questions earlier about Subtopia. The question about its "10 cultural universals" was the key question. I wouldn't have answered it, but it was brilliant to ask. The only science available for study in Subtopia are electronic simulations. We need more diversions. Obviously, astronomy is not an option when you live underground.

Monday, January 30, 2006 9:12:00 PM  

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