Monday, January 16, 2006

New Horizons planned to launch tomorrow!!

The New Horizons spacecraft is planned to launch tomorrow on its trip to Pluto, Pluto's moon Charon, and the Kuipler Belt. It is estimated to get to those destinations earliest at summer of 2015 (wow that is a long time, its so weird scientists work so hard on something only to send it out into space and then wait). The launch is planned to happen at 1:24 EST. From Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Florida (oh...I'll be at school but I'm sure they will have replays of it on the NASA channel later, though take offs aren't as fun to see as the images and video they get back from the spacecraft, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal). New Horizons has seven scientific instruments on it and weighs a total of 1, 060 pounds (that is really heavy! Though that might not be that heavy for a spacecraft, I don't know). With the data that New Horizons will bring back we will be able to find out more about Pluto and Charon's geology and environment, and we may be able to map their surfaces, find their temperature, and examine Pluto's complex and mysterious atmosphere. After Pluto's flyby New Horizons will do a flyby of the Kuipler Belt, this could change many of our views on planets and even the origin of our universe. In the Kuipler Belt there is a "planet" that may be the "tenth planet", it is in discussion right now on whether or not it is a planet. If it is a planet, then the discussion if Pluto being a planet will still be in discussion, but if this is decided not a planet, then the discussion of Pluto being a planet will be debated even more because this "tenth planet" is bigger Pluto and has one or more moons.

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Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

Get the Republicrat Scum out of office! Vote for Robert Tesla in the upcoming Election!

Learn more at:

Friday, January 20, 2006 12:08:00 PM  
Blogger The Truth Seekers said...

Find what will happen.

Friday, January 20, 2006 6:29:00 PM  

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