Sunday, January 15, 2006

"Roving Mars" A Whole New World Awaits

Walt Disney Pictures and NASA have come together to create "Roving Mars", an upcoming IMAX movie presenting the findings and visuals gathered by the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity. The movie is being produced by Academy Awards nominated filmmaker Frank Marshal ("Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", "The Sixth Sence", "Seabiscuit"). Out of his movies that I have seen they are great, I can only imagine how good this movie will be. The film will be directed by George Butler ("The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antartic Expedition", "Pumping Iron"). This film will take the viewers as close as it is possible to Mars by showing them real footage of the red planet.
The rovers Spirit and Opportunity who took this footage are still on Mars and have been for just nearly two years, a trip that was planned for 90 days. With over four miles on her odometer, Opportunity has brought back over 58,000 images and Spirit has brought back over 70,000 images. They are still bringing us more and more information about Mars.
Sadly as far as I know there aren't any IMAX theaters near or in Humboldt County, so hopefully this film will come out on DVD and VHS in the future so we can all see it too and not be left out.
The film is rated 'G' so no worries there.
It comes out on January 27, 2006.
I think that this movie will be boring to some but amazing and fascinating to others. I would love to see this movie, especially in an IMAX theater, because then it feels like you are the one walking on Mars, not the rover but you. This isn't your normal movie filmed here on Earth, this movie is one of the first if not the first movie to be filmed on a different planet.

For more information about "Roving Mars", pictures, trailers, and more go to


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